
Our specialist team provides water and wastewater consulting services to diversified clients in government, infrastructure, resources and property development. Clients engage us when they are faced with a water or wastewater problem that requires an innovative solution.

Our approach to the delivery of services is relationship based rather than transaction based this allows us to work with our clients collaboratively and ensures that our solutions are client focused and client specific as opposed to a ‘cookie cutter’ approach that is often the trademark of our larger competitors.

Premise provides project services across the full project and asset lifecycle for all water and wastewater infrastructure. Our team focus on delivering effective solutions in a manner that provides positive outcomes for our clients, their stakeholders and the environment at the lowest total lifecycle cost.

We have recent experience in:

  • Water & Sewer Network Design & Hydraulic Modelling;
  • Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Process Auditing & Design;
  • Recycled Effluent Infrastructure Design;
  • Business Case Development & Approvals;
  • Asset Management Services;
  • Development Servicing Plans & Infrastructure Master Planning
  • Risk Assessments;
  • Project Management;
  • Construction Phase Services.



Business Lead | Water

0410 596 755


Download Premise | Water Capability Statement

Our specialities exist within:
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Wastewater collection, treatment & recycling

Proactively working to protect and maintain one of our most critical natural resources, Premise balance out current needs with future needs. Crafting durable and adaptive solutions for collection, treatment & recycling of water.
Performing skilled analysis and mapping of regions and water systems, we work in conjunction with our clients and communities to embed our scientific skills and proven capabilities into bespoke and sustainable solutions.

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Water treatment & distribution

Our specialist team have years of knowledge and experience in the correct and sustainable practices for effective water treatment & distribution. Delivering comprehensive solutions that ensure both environmental longevity and safeguard human health. Our abilities to decipher, design and implement put our team at the forefront.
We work closely with our clients throughout the project lifecycle, and build lasting relationships amongst all communities where we work.

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Premise delivers sustainable and essential water treatment services to clientele nation wide. Engineering solutions that ensure safe water for our communities, industrial, business and agricultural needs. Our team of skilled personnel strive to create bespoke solutions based on individual project criteria. Implementing processes that aide in future sustainability, exceed functional requirements and minimise project costs throughout.

Check out our projects