
Lloyd Street Service Station

  • Location | Alderley, Brisbane, QLD

Enoggera Road Hydraulic Impact Assessment

A hydraulic impact assessment was carried out to support the development application for a proposed service station located on the corner of Enoggera Road and Lloyd Street, Alderley.

The site hydrology was subjected to a highly urbanized catchment, consisting of 14 sub-catchments, with the proposed development significantly altering the local storage of the site, and subsequently requiring a new stormwater drainage system underneath the site.

The scope of the project was to develop, calibrate, and test hydrologic and hydraulic models for the catchment in order to inform and devise appropriate mitigation strategies for the proposed development.


  • Two dimensional, unsteady hydraulic model incorporating sub-grid scale piped drainage networks using one-dimensional modelling to estimate flood levels within the area.
  • Hydrologic modelling for the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 year Average Recurrence Interval (ARI) design storm events.
  • Hydraulic modelling for the 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 year ARI design storm events for pre- and post-development scenarios.
  • Extrapolation and mapping of flood levels and afflux, discharge and velocity where required to prove post-development flow mitigation.