Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment, Deniliquin NSW
The Premise Archaeology team completed an Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessment for a proposed telecommunications tower located in Deniliquin, NSW. This included an archaeological survey of the site which meandered along the Edward River, with members of the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
The goal of the survey is to identify the presence of any Aboriginal cultural heritage sites located across the development area. Premise Archaeologists worked closely with both the client and local Aboriginal representatives to complete the Due Diligence Assessment and report within one month of being commissioned.
Premise provide heritage services across all of NSW with Archaeologists based in Orange.

Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment, Albury NSW
Premise completed an Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment for a proposed residential subdivision in Albury, NSW. The heritage consultancy team conducted an archaeological survey of the site to assess Aboriginal cultural heritage within the area.
Survey of the area concluded the following:
- The area had been subject to extensive ground disturbance through the construction of nearby infrastructure.
- No Aboriginal heritage sites were identified within the study area.
Premise Archaeologists collaborated with the Wagga Wagga Premise Town Planning team to prepare an Aboriginal Due Diligence report for the client. The site was assessed as having low archaeological sensitivity and it was determined that an AHIP was not required, and the construction of the residential subdivision could proceed without impacts to Aboriginal heritage.
Premise provides heritage services across all of NSW.

Australia Cinema, Orange NSW
Premise were engaged to cpmplete Photographic Archival Recording (PAR) of the former Australia Cinema building located in Lords Place, Orange, NSW. A PAR was required prior to the refurbishment, demolition and construction works at the site. A PAR allowed the building to be recorded in its current state prior to any development occurring.
The PAR process included the following:
- Photographic recording of the building in accordance with the relevant NSW Heritage Office guidelines, with the direction and description of each photo detailed in the report and on a photograph register.
- Detailed historical research of the Australia Cinema and of the wider context of Orange.
- Identification of nearby heritage items and as assessment of the heritage significance of the Australia Cinema.
- All photographs were provided in digital format with a date of when the image was captured.

Photographic Archival Recording, Wagga Wagga Heritage Conservation Area
Premise completed a Photographic Archival Recording (PAR) of a 149-year old dwelling located in the Wagga Wagga Heritage Conservation Area. This dwelling was proposed to be demolished to facilitate the construction of a new dwelling in its place. Whilst the dwelling was not heritage listed, it was located in a heritage conservation area and therefore, a PAR was required as per the conditions set out by Wagga Wagga City Council. This PAR allowed the building to be recorded in its current state, prior to its demolition.
The PAR process included the following:
- Photographic recording of the building in accordance with the relevant NSW Heritage Office guidelines, with the direction and description of each photo detailed in the report and on a photograph register.
- Detailed historical research of the subject site and broader context of the Wagga Wagga Conservation Area.
- Identification of nearby heritage items and as assessment of the heritage significance of the dwelling.
- All photographs were provided in digital format with a date of when the image was captured.
Premise provides heritage services across the Riverina including both European and Aboriginal cultural heritage assessments.

Hill End
Premise completed a Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) for a proposed refurbishment of the Police Station and Residence building located in the State Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) of Hill End, NSW.
In summary, Premise heritage specialist concluded that the proposed works would have minimal physical and visual impacts on the surrounding State heritage curtilage of the Hill End HCA. The proposed development was considered to be minor in nature and would not result in significant impacts to the heritage significance of the item.

Kangaroo Valley Police Station
Premise completed a Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) for a proposed refurbishment of the Police Station and Residence building located in Kangaroo Valley, NSW.
The HIS determined that the proposed works were considered minor in nature and are required for maintenance upgrades and structural integrity of the building. The proposed works were advised to be undertaken in accordance with scope of works provided including a structural report undertaken on the site. It concluded that the proposed works would not result in a significant impact on the heritage significance of the item.
It was advised through the HIS that, where possible, original materials and features be retained and restored using a like for like approach avoiding products or materials that may contrast with the existing building and its heritage features.