
Kandos-Rylstone STP Options Analysis

  • Year | 2021 - 2023
  • Location | Kandos-Rylstone, NSW

Kandos and Rylstone Treatment Plants

Following completion by Council of a substantial amount of work examining upgrade options Premise was engaged to undertake an options study which considered updated design loadings and discharge limits that would be applied to a new or upgraded STP.

Premise carried out a Triple Bottom Line assessment for five potential sites for either a local or regional STP an implementation timetable for sewerage scheme commissioning.

Council has further engaged Premise to undertake the concept design of an Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration (IDEA) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to be located at the Kandos waste transfer station, and related sewage transport systems from Rylstone and Kandos.

Premise has undertaken the below:

  • Review of the previous concept design to assess suitability of components of the design for the most recent preferred option identified in the 2021 options study (Premise Report, June 2021).
  • Review of the previous sewage pump station and rising mains drawings to determine how much can be utilised for the preferred option. The components of the transfer system include pump sizing, rising main material, sizing and alignment, wet weather storage, proposed odour control due to high retention times.
  • Investigation of the transfer of treated effluent from the new STP to the existing ponds and at Kandos and Rylstone. Transfer of treated effluent will enable use of the existing discharge points and open opportunities for future recycled water reuse in adjacent areas. The components of the transfer system include pump sizing, rising main material, sizing and alignment, wet weather storage/holding tank requirements at the STP to balance incoming flows.
  • Development of alternatives in consultation with Council re STP sludge management.
  • The overall concept design for the STP and the transfer systems which will include IDEA STP at the WTS site, transfer system details, treated effluent return system including cost estimate.
  • Concept design provided to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment as part of Section 60 approval.
  • Investigation of the benefits of photovoltaic array for the proposed system development.