
PNG Ports

  • Year | 2015 – 2017
  • Location | Port Moresby, PNG
  • Specs | $80 million project

Motukea International Port Facility

Premise was engaged to provide design services to Curtain Bros (PNG) for a Design and Construct project for PNG Ports. The project includes the construction of an international wharf facility and laydown areas, to accommodate the relocation of the existing Port facilities in Port Moresby.

    To date, Premise have provided:

    • Concept design and documentation
    • Reclamation design
    • Preliminary services design and documentation
        • The project will facilitate the relocation of the existing Port facility within downtown Port Moresby to Motukea Island, on the outskirts of the National Capital District. Once vacated, the current Port site will provide strategic land and opportunities for extensive water front redevelopment and revitalisation of the city.

          • In this regard, our civil infrastructure design services encompass:

            • Design of causeway and road access to the proposed facility, including drainage culverts, services, and rock revetment
            • Design of reclamation works for approximately 10ha of land
            • Coastal engineering studies, and design of rock protection for the reclamation land
            • Internal access roads, stormwater drainage for the entire site, water supply and reticulation, electrical reticulation, lighting, communications, and sewage reticulation for the site
            • Secure fencing of the site