
Norfolk Island STP Options & Design

  • Year | 2022 - Current
  • Location | Norfolk Island, QLD

Norfolk Island STP Options, Concept Design & Detailed Design

Following completion by Council of a substantial amount of work outlining the environmental conditions surrounding the island water needs and the water table condition Council sort expertise in the Concept Design and optioneering to develop costing and ultimately Detail design of a new STP.

Premise has undertaken the below:

  • Review of the and analysis of the existing data, presenting gap analysis of the information presented.
  • Site visit and survey, including an asset condition assessment of key components of the existing STP.
  • Production of an Effluent Quality Specification to inform on the level of treatment envisioned keeping in line with previous Federal Government directives.
  • An STP operations and maintenance strategy considering the ability of the Council to take on differing technologies compared to the requirements from Federal Government.
  • Options Analysis then full MCA including workshop to determine preferred option to proceed to Concept Design.
  • Concept design including PFD and basic sizing on plant.
  • Biowin modelling and full P&ID
  • Safety in Design Report
  • Full equipment list breakdown for Costing component. Including equipment supplier list and availability of plant to be delivered to site.
  • Development of 30% Detailed Design based on an MBR plant.
  • Detailed Design Optioneering for alternative treatment processes to reduce Capital Expenditure.