
Panorama Drive

  • Year | 2017
  • Location | Yeppoon, Livingstone, Qld

Northern Strategic Link

This major project was carried out for Local Government, and successfully delivered vital road infrastructure to the Yeppoon and Shoalwater Bay communities.

Premise provided end-to-end solutions encompassing the tender phase, the construction phase, and significant stakeholder management and reporting. Our services also included:

    • Budget management
    • Detailed design – services infrastructure, road, and bridge infrastructure
    • Drainage and water treatment
    • Electrical and lighting
    • Extensive watercourse crossings
    • Feasibility estimates
    • Preliminary design
    • Risk management
    • Retaining structures
    • Roadway alignment
    • Value management
        • The new road was designed through undulating terrain, this required extensive coordination and investigation. Alignment options were evaluated to ensure geotechnical and environmental constraints could be overcome.

Premise successfully communicated the complex nature of this project to all key stakeholders, including community members and local authorities.

We opened a project office in Yeppoon which meant our staff were on the ground and could be highly responsive in working directly with Local Government.