
Partnering with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (NDRRA)

  • Location | Palm Island, North QLD
  • Specs | $12.5 million (project value)

Palm Island Seawall Construction

Premise was engaged by the NDRRA to replace a seawall on Palm Island that was damaged during Cyclone Yasi. Our experts were able to successfully:

    • Design a new seawall within the parameters of NDRRA approvals
    • Inspect the construction and confirm all works were in accordance with design parameters
    • Offer supervision for a section of the seawall that was constructed by Local Government
        • Premise was also required to exercise problem solving skills to effectively deliver this project. Initially, there appeared to be a lack of necessary rock on the island, and it was determined that rock would need to be imported.

Instead, Premise was able to adjust the design to use woven sandbags, thereby replacing the bulk rock. Our experts ensured there was adequate rock resources (Armor rock) remaining on the island.

We were also able to employment opportunities for local Palm Islanders, both in filling the sand bags, and supervising construction in one section of seawall that was undertaken by day labour staff.