
Port Roads

  • Location | Brisbane, QLD

Port of Brisbane – Port Roads

Premise has been engaged by Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL) on the detailed design of new road infrastructure and associated services and provide fit for purpose designs, which are cost-effective to construct and maintain.

The roads will function as the primary access to future commercial and industrial lots. The projects form part of the Port of Brisbane 2018-2048 Master Plan – Future Port Expansion (FPE) which provides for the further development of land divided into various precincts being Port of Brisbane/Fisherman Islands, Port Gate and Port West on the southside of the Brisbane River and Pinkenba, Port North and Brisbane International Cruise Terminal on the northside of the Brisbane River.

The projects are packaged in three distinct, separable portions for construction. The three separable portions are:

  • SP 1 – Lucinda Peregrine Link Road
  • SP 2 – Tingira Street Estate Road
  • SP 3 – Pamela Street Extension

Image: Nearmap