
Quality Management Plan

  • Location | Thornlands, Brisbane, QLD

Thornlands Residential Development Stormwater

The residential development had a net area of 10.72ha and was part of the 2010 regional South East Thornlands Structure Plan. Therefore, 2.426ha of the site was dedicated to the integration of a regional stormwater treatment device, allocated to treat a catchment of area 30.675ha.

With a wetland initially proposed, a diverse and innovative strategy, including multiple stormwater quality improvement devices, was utilised instead in order to further reduce pollutant loading on the surrounding environment whilst also reducing maintenance costs and land resumption.


  • Additional 75m Vegetated swale and 1380m2 bio retention basin
  • Extensive water quality modelling using MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualization)
  • Optimum efficiency of land use relative to treatment outcomes
  • Provisions for erosion and sediment control during construction phases