
Hydraulic Impact Assessment

  • Location | Springbrook, Moreton Bay Region, QLD
  • Specs | $9,600 budget

Springbrook Stage 4 Residential Development

Premise Water was commissioned by QM Properties Pty Ltd to undertake a Hydraulic Impact Assessment for a residential development. This assessment was carried out to support the development application of a site subjected to:

  • Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) Flood hazard overlays
  • Overland flow paths, and
  • Environmental (waterways) overlays


The development site was a 34.8ha lot with a local creek passing through. It had multiple proposed internal waterway crossings as well as existing hydraulic infrastructure. The scope of the project was to develop, calibrate, and test hydrologic and hydraulic models for the catchment to inform and devise appropriate mitigation strategies.