
Site Based Stormwater Management Plan

  • Location | Warwick, QLD
  • Specs | 154.69ha

Warwick Solar Farm

Premise was engaged by Terrain Solar to prepare a Site Based Stormwater Management Plan for a proposed solar farm North East of Warwick. The site covered a rural area of 154.69ha, with proposed infrastructure of the development including:

  • Tracker posts
  • Internal access roads
  • Inverter stations
  • An operations building and substation

As such, an assessment of both stormwater quantity and quality impacts against local and state planning scheme policies was required. The hydraulic impact of the development was assessed under the latest 2016 guidelines of Australian Rainfall and Runoff. A 2D hydraulic model with rainfall on a grid as the hydrologic inflow condition (XP-SWMM) was utilised. It was concluded that no substantial impact was incurred and, as such, no mitigating infrastructure was required for the proposed development.